Please be informed that the Government has announced that commencing Thursday 1 November 2007, all suppliers who are registered with the Ministry of Finance and transacting with the Federal Government must be ePerolehan Enabled, if not yet enabled.

ePerolehan Enablement requires suppliers to have a Smart Card (MyeP or MyKad) and a Smart Card Reader or alternatively an ePXS (USB Crypto Token).

Suppliers who possess only the Smart Card but without a Smart Card Reader are required to obtain a Smart Card Reader or alternatively, to purchase the ePXS (USB Crypto Token) as a substitute to the Smart Card and Smart Card Reader option. The Smart Card Reader and the ePXS (USB Crypto Token) can be purchased at any ePShoppe counters.

Commencing Monday 5 November 2007, the following instances will be experienced by suppliers who have applied for registration with the Ministry of Finance via the Supplier Registration module in the ePerolehan system but who have yet to make a declaration before or on Friday 2 November 2007 at 10:00 p.m.

Please contact our Customer Service at 03-79857777 or email should you have any problems or queries.

Please click here for the Surat Arahan Ketua Setiausaha Perbendaharaan (KSP) to suppliers.