Monday, 24 May 2004
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Setting up your equipment to use eP

When you are equipped with the ePerolehan smart card and PIN number, personal computer (PC) with an Internet line and smart card reader connected to your PC, you may proceed with the following steps to prepare yourself to access ePerolehan system. Details of ePerolehan system requirement are in the website at

Step 1: Installing Your Smart Card Reader
If you have purchased a smart card reader from our ePerolehan ePShoppe or any of our appointed smart Card Reader Vendors, ensure that you have a compact disc (CD) that contains a PCSC reader driver and ePerolehan enablement module.

Once you have the CD, please plug in the reader to your PC then insert the CD into the PC drive. The CD will do a step- by-step checking to set up your PC and smart card reader to meet ePerolehan system requirement. If you do not have the CD, please contact our Customer Service or the reader vendor that you have purchased the smart card reader from.

Please follow all the instructions in the CD to install the smart card reader.


Step 2: Testing Your Smart Card Reader
After you have set up your PC and installed the smart card reader, you may test your smart card reader functionality by following the screen guides below:-

  1. Go to ePerolehan website login page at
  2. Go to “Smart Card Login” bar at the left hand side of screen. Then choose “Supplier/Consultant/PTJ”.
  3. You will see the screen below. Click on ePerolehan logo at the center.

  4. will see a message “Searching for Device” on your screen. After a few seconds, a message “Smart Card System Ready” will appear at your screen. When this message appears, it means that you have successfully installed your smart card reader and that it is working fine.
  5. If either one of the message does not appear, you will need to make sure that the reader is connected properly to the Serial Port. Once connected to the serial port, restart your computer and re-test again using the same above method. If problems persist, please contact our Customer Service.

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Smart Card Information and Guidelines
» Smart Card Information
» General Guide
» Setting up your equipment to use eP
  1. Step 1: Installing Your Smart Card Reader
  2. Step 2: Testing Your Smart Card Reader
  3. Step 3: Testing Your ePerolehan Smart Card and Pin
  4. Step 4: Smart Card PIN Change Guide
» eP SmardCard Care Guideline